Monday, October 1, 2012

Searching for my own meaning of hijab.

Bismillah hir rahmaniraheem.


I wore hijab in public for the first time today.

I put on the hijab (tudung) today, because it has been 2 years since my reversion to Islam, and I want to continue making progress in Allah's path. Insyaallah.

In a way, I also want my fellow friends to start seeing me as a Muslim, not just another Chinese girl. I would hope they could now respect me as a muslim, and not assume that I do not care when anything concerning Islam happens. (* this came from the few times fellow housemates-who are Muslims themselves; have brought male friends into the house without making any prior announcements-as a result, i couldn't cover my aurat in time). Hence, my other motive of donning the hijab is- I want to be RECOGNIZED as a fellow MUSLIM. 

Donning the hijab today reminds me this:
 It doesn't matter where we are, we have a choice of whether to uphold the beliefs in our religion.
and subhanallah, what Islam teaches always have the meaning behind every actions and reactions.

Islam sees women as their treasure. Therefore one adorns the hijab to protect this treasure. A simple and common analogy would be like this: Why do people keep their most precious and most valuable thing hidden from the public's view?

we protect everything that's dear to us, and for a religion to acknowledge the beauty of women is a precious jewel to be protected, this is one beautiful quality of Islam. 

I wore hijab today, and i didn't regret it. I feel liberated from fitnah, and most of all,

I feel protected.

*any misgivings and lacking from my writing, please feel free to correct me. I appreciate all your advices, and  may Allah swt. shed His light of blessings to you. Insyaallah.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Seorang Cina Mencari Islam

Bismillah hir rahman hir rahim,

I wrote this piece of writing back when I was in College Foundation years, before I embraced Islam. There was a period of time, when I constantly woke up to the sound of azan from the college's Masjid. I was inspired by that to pen it into this piece.

Azan: bunga mekar di pagi subuh.
                Azan. Di pagi subuh yang masih menyembunyikan cahaya mentari, azan ini mekar dalam sayup.  Jiwa mana yang tak tersentuh. Dalam sejuk-sejuk yang menyenangkan, terbaring di atas katil, diriku masih tertutup mata, namun jiwaku mula terbangun. Insan yang melaungkan azan di masjid-masjid setiap pagi, mereka sungguh rajin beribadah kepada-Nya.

                   Alunan azan. Memanggil para umat seagama keluar dari selimut mereka. Kubayangkan seorang demi seorang terjaga daripada tidur lalu memulakan langkah ke penyucian. Mereka akan berwudhuk. Kadangkala dalam kemamaian, air sejuk membasuh diri mereka, mengangkat hadas kecil, bersaksikan Allah Taala. Ada yang bersolat keseorangan. Ada yang bedua, bertiga, berjemaah. Yang pasti, 2 raka’at yang ringkas itu penuh makna, solat terakhir dalam sehari yang dikerjakan seorang insan. Dan azan subuh inilah yang menyeru mereka ke arah kebaikan itu.

               Hatiku tersentuh. Inginku mengikut ibadah yang sungguh suci ini. Tanpa perlu berkata apa-apa, membuktikan apa-apa, diriku hanya perlu bersaksikan Allah Taala. Dan sujudku, doakku, hanya kepada-Nya. Ringkas, mudah, indah.

Allahu akbar Allahu akbar (Allah maha besar, Allah maha besar)
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar
Asy-hadu alla ilaha illallah (Aku menyaksikan bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah)
Asy-hadu allah ilaha illallah
Asy-hadu anna Muhammadar rasulullah (Aku menyaksikan bahawa Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah)
Asy-hadu anna Muhammadar rasulullah
Haiya’alas-solah (Marilah sembahyang)
Haiya’alas –solah
Haiya’ala l-falah (Marilah kepada kemenangan)
Haiya’ala l-falah
Assolatu khairum-minan naum (Sembahyang itu lebih baik dari tidur)
Assolatu khairum-minan naum
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar
La-illaha-illallah (Tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah)

               Penyudahan azan, sayu dan sebak tersangkut di dada. Ku tak mampu. Diriku tidak diberi agamaNya dan diriku tak layak menyahut seruan ini. Namun, betapa indahnya suara ini, betapa indahnya ibadah ini. Tiap azan bagai satu penutup ikrar seorang hamba kepada Penciptanya.

               Sejuk subuh itu, membawaku ke kalam tidur semula. Diriku akur. Mataku tertutup, jiwaku dibuai mimpi semula.
          “Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia Yang Hidup Kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhluk-Nya); tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang di langit dan di bumi. Tiada yang dapat memberi syafa’at di sisi Allah tanpa izin-Nya. Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang di hadapan mereka dan di belakang mereka, dan mereka tidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Allah meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya, dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha  Besar.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah:255)

After so long...

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful,

A long hiatus, and in the hope to fill in the gaps left in this blog.
I'm a person of little words, that is if, we're talking about the physical world. 
In a class of 50, I can be the most quietest person sitting in the back row, 
and in a party or any celebratory occasions, I have a knack of making myself left out and invisible.

I prefer to watch and listen than to speak.

September 3rd, 2012; my second birthday. It marked the 2nd year I reverted to Islam.
Syukur Alhamdullilah.

My friends who often run usrah groups among themselves always talk about "tarbiyah Allah".

For quite some time, I cannot figure out the meaning of "tarbiyah". Arabic terms tend to confuse me, thus, before I get frustrated by people using them on me, I tend to avoid them first. 

But hey, ignorance is bliss, but they take you nowhere closer to the truth.
So now I came to learn the meaning of "tarbiyah", and now the meaning of "tarbiyah Allah".

apabila kita tahu akan diujiNya, kita akan bersangka kita akan diuji dgn ujian yg sama dengan jiran kita. Siapa tahu, pabila ujianNya datang, kita akan diuji dengan kekurangan yang mampu mencalar dan menggores jiwa sehingga kita menangis2 meminta tolong. Allah telah menetapkan setiap ujian berbeza dan khas utk setiap seorang hambaNya...dan hanya pabila kita berasakan seksa dan susah itu, baru kita katakan "Indahnya, dan manisnya terbiyah Allah Taala kepada kita".

I wrote this status some time ago on a friend's fb. Indeed, "tarbiyah Allah" should mean Allah's way of teaching us. "His education", is so unlike the education we get from school. Being tested by Allah, is like having a brick wall put right ahead of you without any means of going through it. Complete darkness and helplessness.

That is our cue to turn to Allah Himself. Subhallah, Allah will always bring us through it.

To put the greatness of Allah's education to His servants, I know this little metaphor isn't enough, but that's the general idea of it.

I recently am inspired by other brothers and sisters of MRM (Malaysia Reverted Muslims)
to start writing again, in the hope to share experiences and to learn from each other, for Allah, for our Deen.

I will share my journey, insyaallah, and hope you'll share yours too.