Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm gonna hold on to You..

Dear God,

When i'm all alone suddenly at a turning point,
i'm gonna turn to You,
and hold Your hands.

When all my friends have all went back,
and deserted my room,
i'm gonna look for You,
and talk to You.

When i woke up suddenly in the midst of the night,
and longing for someone to talk to,
i'm gonna knock upon Your door,
and hope You'll let me in.

Dear God,
when i'm all alone in the street,
feeling lost and awkward,
i'm gonna look for Your sign,
and follow Your way.
cause i'm gonna hold onto You.

So, dear God,
hold my hands and don't let go,
talk to me and let me in,
when i hold onto You,
don't push me away.

i'm gonna hold onto You for now.

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