a fellow muslimah said, "be grateful that we are born as Muslims. Try and imagine we are born as kafirs (non-muslims), and we do not know anything about islam..." She said this, in a roomful of muslimahs, and me.
i was born a kafir, and i do know about islam.
"It is true you will not be able to guide everyone whom you love: but Allah guides those whom He will and He knows best those who receive guidance."
"... Allah sets on the right path whom He pleases.." (2:272)
"He grants wisdom to those he pleases; and he to whom wisdom is granted received indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the message but men of understanding."(2:269)
i was born a kafir, two people whom i love the most, whom my life they gave, are kafirs. And when you seek to say those that were born Muslims are better than those that were not... i beg to differ.
We did not choose who we want to be born as. It is all in His hands.
to me, each and everyone of us, kafirs or muslims, are equal. The thing that makes any of us different is how much of Allah's words, of Islam that we came to understand, love and practice.
and, at a certain point of our lives, when our hearts are opened, He will guide us, just like He guided His Prophets, the Sahabbah, and those that have died before us.
To me, if i were given a choice, i'll still choose to be who i am now. A person who was not born Muslim, but found Allah and Islam somewhere along the path, with His guidance.
...because, if i weren't so,
i wouldn't have dreamt of His light,
i wouldn't have dreamt of His people,
i wouldn't have felt the beauty in praying,
wouldn't have understood and memorized the meanings of each words uttered in a single prayer.
i wouldn't have known, the difference between other religions,
i wouldn't have felt, seen, learn, read, things that i came across before i found my CERTAINTY in Islam.
and if you ask me, i stood by my choice. I believe in His words, and will stand by them 100%, even if i have to sacrifice everything that i love (my family, my home).
the question is... if you were born a Muslim,
how many of you have the chance to see, to feel, all that i've been through?
things that make you cry in your prayers, things that make you not want to sleep but use the whole night to pray, to tell Allah, syukur for Him, for everything?
if you were born a Muslim, how many of you would know the price of sacrificing for Allah, for Islam?
knowing that you are going against your ancestors, you parents and family will be hurt, yet you stand firm, knowing that even if you lose everything, He shall provide enough for you?
...and again, to me,
a Muslim, a kafir, they are just the same, and neither is better than the other, only different. What actually matters, and what we should be grateful for each and every day...
is our very next breath of air,
the next dawn that comes,
the next chance of sujud,
the very moment we can open our eyes and see,
the Quran, His words,
the food, the clothes, His bountiful gifts to us,
the strength in our soul,
the love in our hearts,
the laughter that ends in us reminded of Him,
the tears of being touched by His power,
our leader, how he loved us.......
these are the things we should be grateful for... not just about whether we are born Muslims or not.
for if i were to have followed what i've seen in my fellow Muslim friends 2 years ago,
i'd have given up on life and faith, and ultimately... not be where i am right now.
even if i dont have my parents teaching me about Him,
even if i dont have anyone teaching me to read His words,
even if i dont have a teacher to teach me the practices,
i wouldn't want to trade what i've been through, just so that i can be born a Muslim.